New Home

I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Doctor visits ending the year and beginning the year...

Went back to Aiden's after the Packer Game. I wasn't feeling too well but I wanted to spend time with him. He got to stay home from preschool again so the next day was all ours. He loves games all sorts of games but especially the electronic kind on phones, Kindles, Ipads etc. And since I didn't have games on my Kindle I showed Aiden how to go to the apps store...probably another idea that wasn't good...he's a quick learner and I taught him how to spell FREE so knew only to click on the FREE games. But since this grandma doesn't see her grandson too often she tends to spoil we did buy a few games. What I didn't know was that for every game we purchased, the free ones or the ones that I used a credit card for, the owner of the device received email notices. We were putting the games on Mandy's Ipad so she was getting one email after another while she was at work.

New Years Eve was spent with Aiden too. I couldn't think of a better way to begin the new year 2013.

It wasn't all fun times while I was in Arizona. Before I left Wisconsin people in my family and all around me at work had the flu. Taking all the Airborne in the world didn't stop me from getting sick. My fever got higher and higher, I was totally stuffed up and couldn't breath well enough to use my z-pac machine for sleeping at night. Just ask the people I had to sleep around. Mandy had to leave the room we shared and she slept with Aiden instead and Jon and Marina said they could hear me through the ceiling and floor. I know I have a problem with the snoring...that's why the doctor prescribed the breathing machine for me. Sorry guys..when I'm sick I can't use the machine.

I was so sick I wasn't able to travel up the mountain to see my friends. I flew 1800 miles with Christmas presents and then couldn't even deliver them. On New Year's Day Marina had to take me to urgent care to see another doctor. God, two doctors in only 5 days and all while on vacation. They pumped me full of antibiotics, cough syrup and an inhaler to clear my lungs. I just had to start feeling better because in a few days another vacation was beginning...