New Home

I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Exercising, Newfoundlands, Polkas...

What an absolute rewarding day I had. Started with Red delivering my TV. I hadn't seen him for a while so it was sure good to see him today. Then a trip to the gym...yes I said the gym! I decided I just wasn't going to exercise, walk, yoga or anything that involved strenuous movement beyond my comfy sofa unless I paid someone to make me. Here in Winneconne there is an Anytime Fitness Center and for the next 3 months I will be under the guidance of Ally. She has designed a program for me to follow. I personally think she's out to kill me, but we'll see. I've made it through 2 sessions so far and I'm feeling it today in my mid-section....and I think that's a good thing since that's where I need to tighten up the most. So check it out if you are in the Winneconne, Omro, Oshkosh or Fox Valley areas Ally or Tom are the people you want to help you meet your weight and exercise goals.

Since I did so well at the gym I deserved a reward so I stopped at The Well. The Well is a small building barely large enough to allow people to cook in the back while others are taking orders at the front window and making ice cream cones. They have been in business, according to their sign, for 58 years. I think that deserves an award of some type because now-a-days not too many businesses, especially dining establishments last that long. Anyway, I ordered a pizza burger and deep fried pickles...I know that doesn't sound healthy, well, it's not healthy but that's what looked good to me. Anyway, I was standing at the window placing my order when I heard this very loud bark. I must have jumped out of my skin because the dog's owner couldn't stop apologizing for her dog. This creature was enormous. The size of his head was between the size of a basketball and a beach ball (I'm not exaggerating) and standing on all fours his head was even with the ordering window. Evidently he's a regular, because when he barks he gets served a dish of vanilla ice cream loaded with dog biscuits!!!! Have you ever heard of anything like this? I sure haven't. Many of the customers were getting out their phones and taping him. What a sight. I think he was a Newfoundland...if you don't know what that is look it up on Google and you'll see what I mean about the size.

This afternoon my old Church, Sacred Heart, now called St. Jude's on Knapp Street had a polka mass. It was outside under a tent. And thank God for that since it decided to down pour. The tent was full to capacity. Steve Young and his band played for this mass and I was flooded with memories when I heard some of the songs. The songs were ones that my ancestors always sang at family get togethers. The band played popular polka songs but changed the words to have religious meanings. It felt a little unusual having mass said in a beer tent, but no one seemed to mind. After all God is everywhere. Of course no food or beer was served during mass, but the cooks did manage to begin cooking towards the end of mass so we could all smell that great German cuisine in the back of the tent and it worked because everyone stayed to eat. I ate one of juiciest, most flavorful bratwurst that I've had in a while.

My day wasn't finished yet. I visited with my sister and her husband and then JoAnn and I headed back to the picnic because now a rock band was playing for a dance. The rain stopped. It rained enough to cool things down and made it a perfect evening for an outside dance. We could hear the band playing from my sister's house and she lives 4 blocks away, so you can imagine what it sounded like up close and under the tent. Everyone was having a good time. I was amazed at how many families were there together. Most tables had at least three generations sitting together enjoying the beer, food and music. I was told that people plan their family reunions around this church's picnic so they can all attend. I began to miss my grandson, Aiden. Next year I'd like him and his mom to visit the weekend of the church's picnic.

Back home to the lake. It's breezy and wonderfully cool out here. It's perfect sleeping weather.

Tomorrow is a day filled with Heritage Makers, photo scanning and digital scrapbooking. I have some new projects that I'm working on and can't wait to share them with you.  Here's a hint.

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