New Home

I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Winter arrived on schedule in Winneconne...

Yesterday was a reminder of what Winter in Wisconsin is all about. All the things about living here in winter came flooding back. For instance:

I remembered what it felt like to have that icy wind coming off the lake and hitting you in the was breathtaking, and not necessarily in a good way. 
I remembered how important it is to dress in layers, many layers. 
I remembered that a short, three pound dog can't walk out the door into snow piled almost a foot taller than her. 
I remembered how to shovel.
I remembered to turn on the 4 wheel drive in the KIA before trying to back out of the garage.
I remembered to slowly pump the brake so I wouldn't go through the stop sign into oncoming traffic and
I remembered to carefully protect my camera while I took loads of pictures in the blizzard.

First my brother Mike came down this road to plow me and the other neighbors out, then another truck came down to plow us out...not quite sure who was in the second truck but I sure felt lucky that they both arrived so early in the morning because I needed to get to work.
The men in the Public Works department put in some long hours in the wind and cold cleaning off our roads, sidewalks and parking lots on days like today and they do a great  job. Thanks guys. When I arrived at work today I saw this huge pile of snow and took a picture to show you that it was as high as the roof on our post office...then tonight when I was leaving work I noticed that same pile of snow. It looked amazing under the street lights and I couldn't resist taking more pictures. What do you think?

There was a few more things that I remembered today...the good feeling of coming home, the good feeling of my soft Packer lounging pants and the good feeling that sitting in front of a blazing fire gives me. No better way to take the chill of the day away.

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