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I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Are you whistling now? Heritage Makers June sale...

When you look at this picture don't you want to start whistling the theme song from the Andy Griffith Show? (But my brother Mike is much better looking than Sheriff Taylor) Take a look at why I think this pic resembles the opening of the show.

I'm still not use to being so close to the water. Yesterday when I got up early to allow Bella outside.  I walked her out because I'm afraid of the hawks scooping down and taking her away. I walked out onto the porch, half asleep and half dressed. To my surprise I heard men talking loud enough for me to hear because they were only about 50 feet away from the porch in their fishing boat. They were casting towards my shoreline. This is the second time this has happened to me.  There must be a good spot between my neighbors' and my shorelines because I often have fishermen in that spot. They were trolling near the same area for at least an hour. As soon as they left, I saw a huge fish jump right out of the lake - TWICE - in the same spot that they left. I chuckled, it was almost like the fish knew what he was doing and he was laughing at the two fishermen.

Speaking of Bella, she is loving it here. She loves the grass and is getting more exercise than she ever has before. She chases the birds and today she discovered a squirrel. When that squirrel climbed the nearest tree Bella just stayed at the bottom looking up the tree for the longest time. She better enjoy the outsides while she can because I don't think she's going to be liking the winters here. We went shopping and she got her nails cut and a new outfit (or I should say harness). Her nails were getting so long that she was getting stuck in this carpet. I know it's not funny but when I would call her, one of her paws would get snagged and she'd be stuck in the carpet until I could stop laughing long enough to rescue her. She wasn't amused.
I finally had my first humming bird at the feeder! Probably because I finally made hummingbird food or solution or whatever you call it. I noticed some hummingbirds around the oriole feeder so decided to get their food made and into their own feeder. Within an hour or so I had my first hummingbird. Yay!

It's the 4th of June and I haven't told you what the June sale is at Heritage Makers this month...
This booklet is the perfect size 8.5X11, It resembles a magazine so kids love it for their baseball, soccer (or any sport) pictures. They love being on the cover of their own magazine. You could make reunion booklets like the one you see in the sample - it can be filled with old pictures and stories of past reunions. If you're a business owner trying to sell products - there is no better way to showcase them than this high quality made booklet. The price is under $9. For that price you could make several. These will make perfect gifts for any occasion. Get started on your Christmas shopping now!


  1. You could always give the fishermen a thrill...
    In the winter Bella is going to be parked by the stove. Has she met the ducks and geese yet?

  2. That's funny because a guy at work teased me and told me that's one way to catch a fisherman by going outside in that condition. The winter stories with Bella are going to be waaaaay different than the ones I'm telling now...I can guarantee that! Yes she's met the the blog about that one, she's so funny. Rosey would love it here.
