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I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Monday, July 9, 2012

What does the word reunion mean to you?


  1. An instance of two or more people coming together again after separation.
  2. A social gathering attended by members of a certain group of people who have not seen each other for some time: "a school reunion".

On the 4th of July a few people from the Lourdes High School Class of 1971 met at Menominee Park (North Park to us old timers). It was so good to see them again. Most of them I haven't seen in 30 years or longer. It was great to hear about their lifes now and of course there was a lot of reminiscing going on. We talked about getting together in the next year to celebrate our 60th birthdays together. I needed to remind them that I was almost a year behind the rest of them when we graduated. Can you believe it? I didn't have a camera!!! But Janet did and she was kind enough to share this pictures with  me. Thanks Janet. Actually, I want to thank everyone...I didn't actually graduate from Lourdes, I switched to Oshkosh High my junior year and that is something I will always regret. But it is what it is, I can't change the past. In my heart I am a Lourdes grad and that's all that matters. Actually if you look at who is in this picture...three of us (Kris, Peg and I) went through eight years of Sacred Heart elementary school together before we entered Lourdes,,,so we have known each other for a long, long time. I love you guys. 

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