New Home

I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rain, Rain Go least inside the house

What the heck is up with this Wisconsin weather? All I've been hearing for the past month is how unusually warm it's been...well it's not warm today and it's raining again! I normally love to lay in bed and listen to the rain, but tonight I was hearing the rain inside of the house...yes you heard me correctly...inside! I finally got off my butt to check out where it was coming in and noticed it was coming through one of mom's new front windows and dripping onto the surge bar where the new tv, blueray player and my laptop were plugged in! I'm hoping I got to it in time...I unplugged it all and dried the surge bar and moved it away from that window. It's still dripping, but at least it's not dripping on anything electrical.
Second complete day at the new job. I'm really liking the people in this town more and more. I had forgotten how trusting and caring people can be in a small community. After I complete 8 hours at the Village Town Hall I go home and check my NPC emails. Students are still being transferred to my inbox who need help with college questions. So I've been answering all my emails and doing overrides for students so they can register for Summer classes. THEN...after completing my work with NPC I go to my Heritage Makers page and begin answering questions for my clients. I've been designing canvases for clients all month. So if you need me to help you out there is still time to take advantage of the April sale prices on all canvases. is where you can reach me by email. Here are some more samples:

After driving over 60 miles back and forth to work in Arizona for the past two years it's absolutely wonderful to only have to drive a couple of miles to work now.The speed limit is 25 mph through town, and that's very hard to get use to, so it takes me less than 5 minutes from my house to work. Just think of what I'm saving on gas!! I LOVE it!! There must be a half dozen restaurants within walking distance (and that means real, real close because I'm not a walker) from my new job.
I met more people who work at the Town Hall today..the librarian, people from the police department (their office is just a few feet away from ours), the President of the Town, a board member and the marketing director - Marlene. After talking to Marlene for a while we realized we both graduated from Oshkosh in the same year. Now, what are those odds? What do they always say? "It's a small world."
The Winneconne library is upstairs in the same building where I work so I ventured up there tonight. I now have an official library card. I wandered around to check out their facilities and I was quite impressed. I especially liked the little desks with little computers for young kids. Aiden is going to love a trip to this library when he visits. They also had a quiet adult, not that kind of adult was a room for reading and researching ancestry and Wisconsin history..

I was in HEAVEN. You all know how I feel about research and as much as I love being on the Internet, nothing beats looking through old books and finding out what hidden secrets you might find. I didn't have time for any researching tonight but I did check out a DVD to watch... Little Red Riding Hood, not bad, thought for a minute it was going to be too scary for me to watch alone, but I actually enjoyed the story

1 comment:

  1. Mary Lou,
    You sound so happy, I don't feel so bad about you moving and leaving us. Even though we miss you a lot. It will be interesting to see what Winneconne history you find for your family that you did not know. Stay dry.
