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I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Change in weather, Phoenix Zoo and the Academy Awards...

Who would have thought in 3 hours time I'd go from cold, windy Wisconsin weather and enjoying sitting in front of the fireplace - to hot, sunny weather in Arizona wishing the air-conditioner would be colder in the car? Today we took Aiden to the Phoenix Zoo. What a great experience. I have to be honest, I use to hate going to the zoo but taking Aiden and watching him talk to the animals as if he knows them,  is pure enjoyment for me. (Amazing how grandkids can change the way you look at things.) He watches the movie, Madagascar often, so instead of saying he wants to see the lion he says he wants to see Alex and then he shouts "hello Alex" when we get to the lions. He did the same to the zebras and giraffes. I haven't walked that much in a long, long time...probably before my neck surgery last August. The sun was relentless today so my lips are dry and my shoulders and cheeks are burnt. Hopefully that burn will turn into tan by tomorrow. I needed a little color on my face anyway. My friends up on the mountain will be jealous. We loaded Aiden up on sno-cones, ice cream sandwiches, suckers and cotton candy. He ran around and played so much with the other kids that all that sugar couldn't keep him awake, he was sound asleep before we got out of the zoo parking lot. I want to thank Aiden's other grandma, Sarah for allowing me to spend the night at her place and I want to thank Mandy for taking me to the zoo on her season pass. Just got through watching the Academy Awards with Jon, Marina and Coy. I am way, way behind on movies and new actors. I don't get the chance to see many movies until they are on Netflix. So I didn't know most of the movies or actors that they were talking about tonight...sorry. But the gowns were beautiful....they were much more classy this year and I loved the ones with the trains. And Brad Pitt and George Clooney are always good on the eyes.

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