New Home

I have moved back home to Wisconsin but I want to reassure my Arizona clients that I am still their personal consultant even though I am 2,000 miles away. That's what is so great about digital scrapbooking and Heritage Makers...with today's technology I can reach out to you through the Internet. Contact me at or call 920-420-0463 if you need any guidance on your next project.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

No one can believe this weather! It was in the 70s a couple of days ago and now we are buried in snow. It has been snowing since last night and it is not suppose to stop until Monday! I got the Christmas song, Let it Snow, in my head this morning and I haven't stopped humming it...I keep telling myself to quit and I guess even I don't listen to myself. Some area schools have already cancelled classes for tomorrow. Did anyone inform Mother Nature that it is the middle of March?

Now that is what is going on in Arizona. Want to know what is going on back home in Wisconsin? It was 80 degrees out today! Yes you read correctly, Winneconne had 80 degree weather. People are taking their boats out on the lakes. The bulb flowers are blooming, trees are budding and people are returning their lawn furniture to their porches. I think just about everyone in Wisconsin was outside today after being cooped up so long inside their warm houses because of the winter cold.

(I will be fishing on this dock soon. The fish better keep biting. Jack said he left his minnow bucket tied to the dock for me. And this storm better not be on it's way to Wisconsin, I don't want to have to deal with it TWICE in one week.)

What is wrong with this scenario? AZ snow, WI sunny and warm. For the past 30 years I have been calling my Wisconsin family and teasing them about their snow storms while I was enjoying the Arizona sunshine. Well, today was pay back. I received a number of calls, texts and facebook comments about their glorious weather especially when they found out how much snow was falling on me. I guess I deserved it.

Since I couldn't go anywhere today anyway I spent a lot of time cooking. It was just one of those "soup" days. I made a recipe from brat patties and it turned out to be delicious. Definitely a keeper for the recipe box.

And I finished my Arizona Defensive Training Course and PASSED! It's an open book test so everyone should get 100%. But I missed a question...they asked me what day my accident took place and I guess I spent too much time answering (I was looking for a calendar) and it was a timed question so it was marked wrong.  I get so upset with myself, first for taking so long to answer but mostly for having the accident in the first place. I am so grateful no one was hurt but it was a costly lesson to me.

If our college calls a snow day tomorrow I will spend the day working on Heritage Makers projects. I have two books that need to be finished and I have loads more Easter projects to show you that are easy and inexpensive for you to make. Check some out in our template gallery.

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